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On May the 10th
Vladimir Arutinian attempted to assassinate United States President George W. Bush, using a hand grenade, while he was giving a speech to a crowd in Tbilisi, Georgia. The grenade malfunctioned and did not detonate. He was arrested 2 months later, tried and subsequently sentenced to life imprisonment.
A massive earthquake struck near Ardekul in north eastern Iran. The death toll was estimated at around 2500 people.
American actress, Joan Crawford, died at the age of 72. She was one of the biggest movie stars of the early 20th century. She served as chairman of the board of directors of the PepsiCo Company, a post in which she was elected to after the death of her husband (who also held the position before her).
Greek composer, Markos Vamvakaris, was born on the island of Syros. He is considered the most influential figure of the 'rebetiko' musical movement.
The London National Gallery opens to the public for the first time.
Christopher Columbus discovered the Cayman Islands. He named them 'Las Tortugas' due to the abundance of sea turtles that live there.
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