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On March the 23th
Iran's naval forces seized a number of British sailors and marines in disputed Iran-Iraq waters. They were subsequently released on April the 6th 2007.
The Russian space station, Mir, was forced off orbit and later broke up in the atmosphere before landing into the Pacific Ocean
An asteroid measuring over 300 meters in diameter missed the Earth by 640,000 kilometres.
Bangladesh proclaimed its independence.
Pakistan became the worlds first Islamic republic. In an Islamic state, Islamic laws are technically considered to override laws of the state.
The Enabling Act was passed by Germany's parliament. It enabled Adolf Hitler and his cabinet to enact laws without the participation of the parliament (Reichstag).
Benito Mussolini's Fascist political movement was founded in Milan, Italy.
American actress, Joan Crawford, was born in San Antonio, Texas. She was one of the biggest stars of the early decades of American cinema.
The first elevator was installed at 488 Broadway, New York City by Elisha Otis.
First ever recorded use of the abbreviation, OK, was printed in the Boston Morning Post newspaper.
The banner of the Greek revolution against Ottoman occupation was raised in Agia Lavra, by Paleon Patron Germanos, Londos and Zaimis.
Tsar Paul of Russia was assassinated in his bedroom at St. Michael Palace.
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