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On December the 27th
British actor, Sir Alan Bates, died at the age of 69.
Two truck bombs kill 72 and wound 200 at the pro-Moscow headquarters of the Chechen government in Grozny, Chechnya.
The Soviet Union forces assumed control of Afghanistan.
Spain became a democracy after 40 years of dictatorship.
The radio program, The Breakfast Club, was broadcast for the final time. Running for 35 consecutive years on the ABC radio it was the longest running radio show in history.
The World Bank was created after the agreement between 28 nations.
Leon Trotsky was expelled from the Communist party and subsequently exiled from the Soviet Union.
French engineer, Gustave Eiffel, died at the age 93. He is most famous for designing the Eiffel Tower.
The play, Peter pan, by James Barrie's premiered in London.
Charles Darwin embarked on the journey aboard the HMS Beagle. it was aboard the beagle that he formulated his theory of evolution.
French chemist, Louis Pasteur, was born in Dole, France. He was the inventor of the pasteurization process which effectively prevents milk and other food products from going sour.
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