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On December the 29th
Six people died in Sidney, Australia, when huge waves struck the sail boats they were sailing in the famous d Sydney to Hobart race.
Vaclav Havel became president of Czechoslovakia.
An Eastern Air Lines passenger plane crashed while it was approaching the Miami International Airport, resulting in the death of 101 people.
American director, Andy Wachowski, was born in Chicago, Illinois. Along with his brother, Larry Wachowski, is the co-writer and co-director of the massively successful Matrix film trilogy.
American actor, Ted Danson, was born in San Diego, California. He gained international fame from his participation in the highly successful television series, Cheers.
German Luftwaffe aircraft bombarded the city of London with firebombs causing massive fires and killing more than 200 civilians.
American actor, Jonathan Vincent 'Jon' Voight, was born in Yonkers, New York. He is an Academy award winning actor and the father of fellow actress Angelina Jolie.
American inventor, Thomas Edison, received a patent for the radio.
United States soldiers killed more than 400 men, women and children of the Great Sioux Nation at Wounded Knee, South Dakota. This was the last engagement between American natives and soldiers of the United States army.
Scottish inventor, Charles Macintosh, was born in Glasgow. He was the inventor of waterproof clothing and the maker of the first raincoat.
Thomas Becket was slain inside his own cathedral by knights loyal to King Henry II of England. He was the Lord Chancellor of England and the Archbishop of Canterbury. He is most known for his conflict with King Henry II regarding the over the rights of the Church for which he was assassinated in the cathedral of Canterbury.
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